Does He Like You ?

Most women would agree that the first few weeks of a relationship is like a roller coaster ride. She and her man will definitely experience many ups and downs as they get to know each other. While there will surely be a lot of fun days and hot nights, but there will also be times when a woman will feel like she is walking on eggshells.
One of the questions that are possibly lurking in her mind at the start of the relationship is whether or not the guy is in it just for the fun times and the romps in bed, or if he is a keeper who is serious about making the relationship last. How can she tell if her role in his life is to be is Friday night girl or if there is potential for her to hold a special place in his heart – for keeps?
There are plenty of signs that can show her the answer, but here are three tell-tale signs of just how deep his degree of involvement in the relationship is that you will certainly not miss.
First of all, when a guy really likes a girl, he tends to be secretive about himself and his needs. It can be frustrating for the woman he is with, but that is just his way of showing his consideration for her. He does not want to appear needy and so will not bother her with every minute detail in his life. On the other hand, a man who is into the relationship only for the sex will deliberately be open about his life. Doing so will make him appear vulnerable to the woman, and there is no bigger bait that a woman will bite than a man who makes it seem that he needs her.
Another sign of liking that a girl should watch out for from his man is whether he pokes fun at the things she does or not. It could come in the form of mockingly criticizing her cooking or jokingly insisting that her favorite matinee idol is a horrible actor. Joking around is his way of hiding his vulnerability. It is also a way for him to test the level of her sense of humor. A good sense of humor is a mark of intelligence, and seriously, guys do not really like to be around a girl who is so straight and uptight.
The third and last sign that a woman should look for to know if the man in her life will only be with her while the fun is going or will stay with her for the long haul is his eye contact. A guy who is finding himself falling in love with a woman normally turns shy around her and will not want to be caught staring at her, especially when they are with other people. Oh, he will look at her, but not when he thinks she or anyone else is looking. Inasmuch as he will not look at her face or body, however, his shoulders and body will remain facing her when they are mingling with other people.
Or she can just walk up straight to him and ask him the truth. That works too.

When Love Has Gone

It does not matter who called it quits first; ending a relationship, no matter how long or short it lasted, is always hard to do. Your mind will always go over every element that made up your relationship in the quest to find out exactly what went wrong between you and the guy you thought was Mr. Right and the process can be very painful, even if you were the one who said goodbye first.
The hurt that you may be feeling with regards the breakup can get even worse once you find that out that he who was once the man in your life has begun to see someone else. That would get you start questioning yourself as to why you have not yet moved on when he obviously has done so.
If this happens to you, you will need to deal with the reality that everything is finally over between the two of you, even if you are not exactly ready to move on. You do not necessarily have to find someone to replace him just yet; just do something that will help ease the blow of the news.
The first thing you need to do is to stop comparing yourself with your ex’s new squeeze. Stop asking yourself questions like “Is she prettier than me?” or “Does he love her more than he loved me?” or “What is she doing that makes him happy, a lot happier than I ever made him?” These questions will only make you go spiraling down in despair. Remember that whatever happened between you and your ex, you broke up because the two of you are not compatible enough to be able to bridge the gap created by whatever went wrong. The two of you are just not a good match.
Another thing you should do is to make sure that your paths will not cross with his and his new girl’s. If you have to change your daily routine, like the route you take when you drive to the office, then do not hesitate to do so. Do not ask your friends for any news about him, and tell them as well that you do not want to hear anything about whatever is going on with him at the moment. If he stays out of your sight, he gets out of your mind.
Even if you do manage to bump into him and his new girl, probably at a restaurant or at the mall, be polite and do not snub them. Smile and say hi, and then walk away. You do not need to feel embarrassed or to think you are pathetic, even if the sight of them fills you with humiliation. Being civil to them will make him think that you are doing okay and actually fill yourself with confidence.
Lastly, enjoy this time of being alone. More often than not, women in relationships tend to set aside some of the things they enjoy in order to make room for the man in their lives. Being alone is as great a time as any to reconnect with your interest and rediscover who you are. Take this time to spoil yourself and enjoy being just you and not as somebody else’s girl.

Long Distance Love Can Work

The internet is becoming more and more popular everyday. People are using the internet for all of their needs. This can be anything from working, paying bills, staying in touch with family, or even dating and trying to find a potential person to spend the rest of their life with. Internet has given everyone infinite possibilities.

Many people are utilizing online dating sites more and more in wanting to date and meet new people. There are innumerable reasons for this. Some people do not have time to go out and meet people. Other people are shy and have a hard time approaching people. However, the fact remains that people are using online dating websites. Some of these sites are free and others charge a monthly membership fee. It is all a matter of the particular site.
There are also other ways to meet people through the internet. You do not necessarily have to be involved in an online dating site. Some people meet others through instant messengers. There are also unending numbers of chat rooms available on the internet.

Some of these are related to different lifestyles, age groups or other factors. Others are just based around general chat topics. These can be great ways to connect and talk with other people. It also provides a way to meet people without having to worry about awkwardness or self confidence issues. There is much more freedom with online conversations.

With any online conversation, there is the potential for a relationship to develop. In many cases, these relationships are long distance. There are many online relationships that are very successful. They are continued online for a period of time. If things go well, then both people will decide that they want to meet each other in person.

Oftentimes, they will have talked on the phone, via emails, the internet, and will also have possibly spent time on webcams spending time together and seeing each other. They have worked on developing a good relationship between each other. They will have gotten to know each other well and know quite a bit about the other person’s personality and character.

People tend to hide themselves behind their computers. You can only pretend and hide your true self from someone for so long before they will find out the true person that lies within. This is true in any type of a relationship. However, with a long distance relationship, it may be possible to get away with pretending for a longer period of time.

The person that you are spending time with is not there with you in your everyday life. You could be pursing other relationships without them knowing. You could also be putting on a front for the person that you are talking to. However, in time, you will have to show your true self. They will want to take the relationship further or something will come up to where they start finding out the truth.

It is best to be open and honest in any situation. If you are pursuing a long distance relationship, keep in mind that many are very successful. There are some that do not work out. This is usually due to actions of both people.

Some people just cannot handle the distance and want to have someone physically with them so bad. But, if you are willing and put your heart into it, you can have a successful long distance relationship and it could potentially turn into a situation where you spend the rest of your life with the person of your dreams once you meet each other.

How To Know If She Feels The Same Way About You?

So you have found the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with. The problem is, how do you know if she feels the same way about you? You may also be wondering if she's really the one for you.

There are a few question you can ask to determine if the time is right to take the plunge :

1. How long have you been together?

Every relationship has its own unique ebb and flow, but relationship experts have found that it usually takes about two years for a couple to fully commit to each other and begin what's called the "negotiation phase" of the relationship - the period in which you've both gotten to know each other so well that you're battling out what you will and won't live with while trying to hang onto your individual identities.

Interestingly, statistics show that most couples get married after knowing each other for only 18 months, so it's no wonder so many newlyweds fight like cats and dogs! If you've only been together a few months, it's too soon to decide for sure that this is a lifetime relationship - it's certainly worth thinking about, but don't jump the gun.

2. Are you ready to commit?

Make sure you're absolutely certain that you're ready to settle down before you worry about what she's feeling. Think about what you're giving up - sleeping in on weekends, all night video game sessions, beer with the guys, dating other women, drinking milk straight out of the carton - and weight it against everything that you'll get from a long term relationship with her. If you have any regrets about giving up your single lifestyle, then you're not ready.

3. Is she ready to commit?

This shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Does she leave a toothbrush at our apartment and feels comfortable cooking in your kitchen? Has she introduced her to her family and friends? Does she gaze longingly at babies in strollers when the two of you go out for lunch? Then she's ready to commit. On the other hand, if she hasn't given up going out with other men, has never brought you 'round to meet her parents and insists that you don't leave any of your stuff at her place, she's probably not ready.

4. Is she commitment-phobic?

A obsessive aversion to commitment is usually thought to be an entirely male problem, but women suffer from it, too. Experts point out that women exhibit it in different ways from men - mainly by repeatedly getting involved with men who are unavailable to them.

If the woman you love has a history of dating men who are married, or gay, or who treat her badly and break her heart, you may be involved with a commitment-phobe.

If she picks fights with you whenever your relationship starts to settle down and become comfortable, that could be another sign. She could have come from a home with parents who made marriage seem unappealing, or she may just be attracted to the drama of new romance followed by the inevitable break-up.

But if she's not ready, that can be a problem if you're sure that she's the one for you.

5. Are you willing to be patient?

If the lady you love really is a commitment-phobe, you have two choices - you can stick around and hope that she'll change her mind, or you can find someone else. You have to ask yourself what's more important to you, to be in a committed relationship, or to be in a relationship with her no matter what form it takes. If your heart belongs to her and you want to stick it out, then be realistic about what that means.

It may take months or years for her to come around to where she's ready to fully commit to a relationship - during which time, you'll have a number of fights as you adapt to your situation, and she may go out with other men. And ultimately you may not be the man she chooses - it's not unusual for a man to stand by patiently waiting for a commitment-phobic woman to come around, only to have her fall in love and marry someone else.

If you truly love someone, you should try to negotiate a relationship that's satisfying for both of you. But if one of you wants to get married, settle down and raise a family and the other person isn't ready to do that, there's not much you can do besides be patient and hope for the best.

You may find that the best solution is to put your own expectations on hold, and accept that not every great love affair ends in long-term commitment. Enjoy your time together, love her for who she is, and perhaps you'll get your wish and she'll commit to a lifetime of happiness.

3 Online Dating Mistakes to Avoid

While you search the internet for that special lady…the one of your dreams…your soul-mate…the other half of yourself, you can do a lot of things right. Sadly, you can, also, do a lot of things wrong….things that will guarantee failure and a broken heart. Out in the “real” world, being aggressive, demanding perfection and even little white lies are all ingredients for success. However, those same qualities are killers when you are dating online and off line, too, for that matter.

There is a big difference between being aggressive or confident and being too aggressive, over-confident, or just plain sleazy or slimy from a woman’s point of view. If you push too hard for a face-to-face, you will come across as too aggressive…maybe even, scary. Try to remember that you are not trying to close a business deal and keep the relationship progressing at a slow but steady pace. Patience is the key.

Nobody is perfect.

We are all flawed in some way or another…and that includes you, as well. If you expect the woman to be absolutely perfect and demand that, you will always be disappointed. Demanding perfectionism in your work is one thing. Demanding perfectionism from a friend, co-worker or a lady you are interested in is not just fine. It won’t happen. Expect flaws and just deal with them. Decide the ones you can live with and those you can’t.

Little white lies and false fronts won’t work. Be honest from the beginning of a relationship. Write your profile. Make it interesting but don’t make false statements. The truth will come out eventually anyway. If you say you are a lawyer who makes a million bucks a year and you are really an electrician that makes $75,000, you have set yourself up for failure.

Remember…don’t be too aggressive, expect to ever find perfection or put on a false front.

Win Ex Boyfriend Back From That Girl !

You want to win ex boyfriend back because he was yours and for some reason she has him now. If you believe that the two of you should be together then it is very likely that you are. But how are you going to do this? You have to play it smart and dignified if you are going to win
ex boyfriend back.

She may want to play nasty to keep him away from you but if you get nasty right back then all you will be doing is feuding and you are too big for that. What you want to do is show him that you are more mature than she is and more like a real woman while that other girl is immature.

If your first instinct is to fight, suppress it. Rise above it. Gain control of your emotions and the other girl may be exposed for being the immature girl she is. If you look favorable compared to her then it will only be too obvious that you are the better choice. Rather than resorting to curses, resort to positive feelings. Be the obvious better choice and you stand a greater chance to win ex boyfriend back.

If she treats him poorly then talk to his friends. They may be feeling the same way. IF it keeps going you may have grounds to have an intervention. Talk with their friends and find out with them what you could do together to get him out of that situation. If you want to win ex boyfriend back it will be easier if you have his friends working with you. Much of the best ways to win ex boyfriend back from her is going to be using his friends.

If it seems like he is under some love spells that she put on him, find out what it is that she has over him and try to find ways to show that he deserves better. Let his friends know that he deserves better. They may very well agree with you. If she has him obsessed with her and she is forcing him to spend time with her instead of them, they will want to get him back. If you are on their side, they will be on yours.

If are able to convince others who know him well that their friend is better off with you then you will have a lot smaller of a battle to fight. There will be so many people against that relationship that it could crumble under the pressure. The secret to having this work in your favor is to be behind the scenes. Let others do the work for you. That way if that other girl catches on you can make her seem like she is paranoid for thinking that you are causing all their problems.

Understanding WOMEN!

Understanding women doesn’t really come very easy to most guys who can’t look beneath the surface. That’s why women do the things they do around men. You will be very surprised to know that there are also reasons why women dress and speak in certain ways when talking to a guy too. Can you guess what the reasons are?

Don’t worry if you can’t, because today I’m going to give you a simple guide to understanding women using 3 very effective methods.

Women Want To Be Approached!

They spend hours putting on makeup and worrying about what they should wear, so that should be enough to tell you that they want to attract men, and they want to get noticed. The next time you’re standing there worrying and stressing about whether or not to approach a girl, just remember that she is probably worrying and stressing out too! Take action and simply go right up to her and start talking.

Women Give Off Obvious Signals!

Listen, if a woman really likes you she will be looking at you. She’ll also try to pretend she wasn’t eyeing you up if you catch her eye as well. She’ll be playing with her hair, fixing her clothes and giving off all kinds of subtle signals to let you know she is interested in you!

Women Are Prone To Sexual Tension!

Women have been programmed by society to hold back when it comes to getting intimate with men. She’ll probably act like she isn’t feeling very sexual around you, but you can bet your bottom dollar she’s waiting for you to make the first move! Use some simple techniques such as holding her hand a bit longer than usual if shaking it to say goodbye or when you first approach her. Any good pick up artist out there will tell you to at least touch a woman once when flirting with them.

You see understanding women isn’t so hard in the end is it? Of course there is slightly more to understanding them than the above guide, but it’s just a basis for you to work on and build up.

What to do If She Says She Has Lost Interest In Being Married

It is not easy to watch a woman get bored with your marriage. It is even worse if you do not notice at all. You need to be aware of the things that are going on in your marriage so that you can make it work and last for as long as possible. You should not let your marriage get so boring to the point that your wife loses interest. I would recommend that you take the time to be sure that everyone is satisfied and happy so that you can keep your marriage happy and strong.

When your wife tells you that she is bored and is loosing interest in being married, you need to take action. You have to be ready and willing to reconstruct the marriage so that you are not losing out on something that you love so much. You should be able to keep the marriage going strong so that you can live a happy life together.

You can reconstruct a marriage first by communication. You have to be wiling to sit and talk to each other. The more that you talk, the more that you will be able to find out about each other and what is going on. You can talk about what is boring her and what she needs to have from you to be happy. When you are willing to sit and discuss things you will get down to what is really going on and how you can start to put it back together.

Once you have communicated well about what is going on, you should then think about what you have to do to make it all right. This is going to be serious. You should not go into this conversation unless you are totally willing to make things work between the two of you. You should sit down and think of things that you both can do to make the marriage more interesting to both of you. Listen to what she has to say and take it to heart. You should not demise what she is saying and take it serious so that you are able to put the spark back into the marriage.

I know that there are lots of married couples that just forget about the fun that they used to have. They have become comfortable with each other and there is nothing at all wrong with that. However, they have become too comfortable. Life has become boring for them and it is hard to get excited about being married again. When this happens, you need to notice before she comes to you and says that she is losing interest in being married. This is going to be the point that you want to avoid. You need to keep it fresh and alive in your marriage so that you can keep both of you excited and interested in the marriage.

Do not take things for granted. You may think that your marriage is happy and everything is great. However, you may not see what is really going on inside her head. You may not be able to see that she is bored and very unhappy. Again, the best thing that you can do is talk to each other and find out what each other is feeling. This is the called communication and it is the key factor to have in any marriage.

Think of ways that you can add the fun into your relationship. Plan a romantic getaway so that you can have some fun like you used in the beginning. You should think about how you can surprise her and make her feel special. Make this the most romantic getaway that you have ever had. Do not be afraid to make it over the top. If you have the money to make it happen, you should go for it. However if you do not, you can make it as well as you can with what you have. This is the best way that you can get some alone time without others around to make things right again or at least try.

Do something nice for your wife when you can. Shock her with your kindness and let her know that what she does is appreciated. You want her to know that she is something special in your life and you want to honor that. This is a great way to make her feel interested in the marriage again. You will be amazed at how far you may get with this approach. You want to do little things whenever you can so that she will feel like she is the light of your life and that you are always thinking of you.

So you just got her phone number... Now what?

Well here's my bulletproof blueprint for starting a flirtatious, playful text conversation with her...

STEP 1 - WAIT 2-3 hours before texting her, and don't wait more than 12 hours.

STEP 2 - Text her this...

Hey [her name], this is [your name]'s phone. He's busy trying to think of something flirty to text her so I thought I'd say hi :)

Now why does this text work so well?

First, it's playful and creative. But MORE're setting up a fun role playing situation. It instantly becomes a conversation between your phones, as if they have lives of their own.

Why is that so powerful? Because it totally safeguards you and let's you be more open and sexual with her since everything you're saying is INDIRECT.

For example, say she texts you back: Hi [your name]'s phone!

Now you can say all sorts of flirtatious things....

So don't tell [her name], but I think [your name] kind of likes her because he has 3 [her name]’s in my directory and he bumped her up to #2.


So is [her name] pretty hot? Does my boy [your name] have good taste?


So I caught a glimpse of [her name] when [your name] was putting her # in me and I totally caught her licking her lips while she was looking at him. Did you see that??

Plus, you can use this role playing game to get a date with her without sounding try-hard. For example, during the text conversation you might say...

So [your name]'s iPhone calendar looks pretty busy this week, but we should definitely get him and [her name] together soon. How's her schedule looking next week?

Are you starting to get a feel for this? Cool. Try it out next time.

Let's Start Talking Again....

It’s a fact that more marriages end in divorce than those that last. It used to be that marriages really were forever. The phrase “’till death do us part” was actually meant when it was uttered during wedding vows.

Now, we see or hear about celebrities who marry for 18 hours and couples that get hitched only to get legal status in one country or another.

Marriage is not a word that should be taken lightly, yet it is on a daily basis. But what do you do when your marriage is starting to fall apart, when everything you want is slowly slipping away? You rescue it.

1) Rescuing the Relationship

To save your relationship, you must first figure out what is causing it to fall apart.

Do you and your spouse talk about things, or are you too busy working and raising your family to discuss what’s going on? Have you gone on a date in the last six months?

Do you fight and argue all the time, or has one of you cheated on the other? What is causing the relationship to break down? Let’s face it; you don’t just wake up one morning and say, “I think I’d like a divorce today.”

In order to figure out what’s going (or gone) wrong in your relationship, you need to take a step back from your feelings to observe what is going on.

If you fight frequently, write down the things you fight about. Write down the amount of time you’ve spent together in the last few days, and write down what you were doing when you weren’t spending time together.

You will want to get everything straight in your head before you start to talk to your spouse about your problems and what you think might be damaging your relationship.

2) Talking—It’s Not Overrated

After you have gathered your information, approach your spouse.

Make sure you go into the discussion calmly and rationally. You also want to make sure that you’re not accosting or accusing, but rather asking and questioning.

If you go into the talk too aggressively, you are going to turn them off and nothing will get answered or resolved. Make sure you lay everything out on the table, from the things that are bothering you to the things that you wish you did more of together.

Explain that you want to know how your spouse is feeling, and that you care about where they want the relationship to go.

3) Scheduling

If you have a busy schedule, you may want to make an appointment to have this discussion. Actually, making a schedule for the two of you on a weekly basis is an excellent idea.

All parents know that children thrive on routine, which is why they have a time to wake up, a time to eat, and a time to go to bed. Relationships thrive on a somewhat of a timed schedule, as well.

For instance, take the case of my friend and her husband. Both of them spend every Saturday night together. They have young children, so most of the time they stay in instead of going out. They will rent a movie and either get take-out or some quick meal they can throw together once the kids have gone to bed.

They leave the lights on in the living room long enough to eat their meal, and then, once that’s done, they put the dishes in the sink (they will still be there the next day, so there’s no reason to spoil the mood by doing them), turn the lights off and snuggle together to watch the rest of the movie. They don’t talk about anything except the movie, and make sure that they are touching each other as much as they can.

It is not “un-romantic” to schedule time to be with your spouse. Make sure that you get some time together, whether it’s going out together, or staying in watching a movie. For myself and my boyfriend, sometimes we’ll pull out a board game, add some alcohol, and have a great night being silly together.

As you get along in your relationship, you come to take each other for granted. Spending fun, relaxing time together is one great way to get your relationship back on track.

If you’re thinking about filing for divorce because you can’t stand the fighting anymore, stop. Think about why you are fighting, and try to put yourself in your partner’s shoes. When you love each other and put a little work into it, marriages really can last forever.

Why and When Do Marriages Go Bad?

I’m not sure who is more shocked when a marriage goes bad, the couple who started off so in love and looking forward towards their future together or the couple’s friends and relatives who looked up to them as been the perfect couple and role model for others in relationships.
However, marriages going bad can happen to anyone and it can sneak up on a loving and committed couple as quickly as it can for an incompatible and dysfunctional couple.

So that leads to three common questions for couples:

1. Why do marriages go bad?
2. When do marriages go bad?
3. Is there anything that can be done to either prevent or reverse the downfall of a relationship?

All three questions can be answered by examining the following Three Major Negative Benchmarks that can occur in a relationship:

1) Taking Each Other For Granted: A marriage can take a downwards turn when a couple starts taking each other for granted.

They get used to their routines and activities of daily life, they are busy, being pulled in many different directions as well as stressed and tired.

The couple doesn’t realize or have never been told about the importance of keeping each other’s relationship, love and respect for each other as the center focus and anchor of their lives together.

If they don’t put their relationship front and center they will get whisked off by external factors and lulled by the inertia of the familiar interactions between the two of them.

Eventually it is like being strangers living in the same home together who don’t even bother to think of the other person anymore.

So the easy solution is to start focusing on each other again. Start doing activities together alone that focus on one another, start going on full out dates, (flowers, gifts, dinner, leave the house and pick your spouse up even though you live together.)

Do things to show appreciation for your partner, in the ways that your partner would feel appreciated and don’t forget to be spontaneous – whether that is out of the blue for no reason telling your partner you love him/her or surprise him/her with a gift - just do something you normally don’t do to breathe some new life into the monotony of daily living.

2) Great Dividers of Love: In many of our books including our Counsellor in a Box Home Study Program ( ) we talk about what we call the Great Dividers of Love.

The Great Dividers of Love are a build-up of emotions such as resentment, judgment, disappointment and loss of respect that cause couples to shutdown their love towards their partner.

When love is shutdown in a relationship, a couple loses their connection, their intimacy and what holds their relationship together.

The result is you will get an emotionally shutdown couple who really doesn’t care for each other anymore and have nothing to inspire them to keep their relationship alive.

So as a couple or individually each partner needs to release and heal all the emotions that have built up so the love, which is still alive deep down underneath can resurface and breathe again.

3) Toxicity and Deficiency Overload: If a couple is not completely compatible and if they do not have relationship training or what we call at our LMC Relationship Centre “Relationship Mastery” as well as if each member of the couple has dysfunctional behaviors caused by unresolved past wounds and experiences – the relationship is going to be full of toxicities and deficiencies.

Simply put - toxicities are things in your relationship that you don’t want and deficiencies are things that you want and you are not getting in your relationship.

A relationship that has a lot of toxicities and deficiencies can only be resilient for so long, then they will become overloaded.

The couple will either then start to destruct the relationship, self-destruct or start to avoid each other because of all the negative conditioning built-up from all the toxicity and deficiency.

If a car hasn’t had an oil change for a long time, the build-up in the oil will cause the car to stop functioning properly and eventually break down.

If a car runs out of oil, the car will stop functioning.

When it comes to our car, we know or someone else will tell us that we have to deal with the “toxicities” (oil change) or deficiencies (need to put in more oil) or our car isn’t going to run.

Our relationships isn’t any different, eventually the relationship isn’t going to work anymore unless the toxicities and deficiencies are dealt with.

Unfortunately most people are not aware of that and no one tells them in such a straightforward manner as the attendant at the gas station who says “Hey would you like an oil change or would you like me to fill up your oil?

Systems have been developed to deal with oil in your car.

The goods news is that systems have also been developed for dealing with your toxicities and deficiencies in your relationship.

The first step is awareness.

4 Secrets For Making Eye Contact

The eyes are the windows to the soul, and this is certainly true when it comes to women. By learning how to decipher a woman’s eyes, you’ll key in to how attracted she is to you.

When it comes to a woman’s body language, it’s most common for her to use flirting eye contact to engage a man she’s attracted to. The problem is that most guys are clueless and completely incapable of noticing this female seduction technique. Can you imagine how much more active your life would be if you knew how to read a woman’s signals?

The following are four of the most popular eye-contact signals emitted by women. Read on to learn what they mean and how to decipher them. You’ll be amazed!

#1 – The Vertical Look

The Vertical Look (as in “up and down”) is a classic scoping technique used by men, but I bet you didn’t know women use it too! If a girl stares at your face, only to run her eyes down and back up again, congratulations...she just "HIT" on you! This eye signal can be hard to catch, so pay attention!

The psychology behind the Vertical Look is simple : the girl liked your face, and she wants to know more. If you catch a girl giving you the once-over, you can be fairly certain she likes what she sees. Use this information to up your confidence, and go talk to her.

#2 – The Approach Look

There are times when a woman will use her eyes to give a guy the green light, but more often than not, he fails to notice! This method of flirting eye contact can be called the Approach Look, and it’s critical that you be aware of it.

The Approach Look is pretty basic, and very significant. If you ever look across the room to find a woman watching you, and she flashes a smile, you can be assured she’s open to talking to you. Don’t stall here! She wants you to approach her, so get off your butt and do it.

#3 – The 'I Like You' Look

Most of us aren’t scientists, but there is one physiological sign in a woman’s eyes that indicates a serious desire --> dilated pupils.

Whether it’s ice cream or a beautiful person, all humans have an involuntary physical reaction to seeing something they like. When a woman’s eyes are dilated, her pupils expand. Think of it this way : She finds you attractive, so in order to see more of you, her pupils grow larger.

So go ahead...gaze into her eyes! Just try not to smirk when you notice just how wide-eyed she is for you. :p

#4 – The 'Kiss Me' Look

It’s very important that you know the ‘Kiss Me’ Look. If you fail to recognize when a woman wants to lock lips, you’ll probably never get another chance to do so!

This look is also very easy to interpret, but you have to be aware of it. When talking to a woman, she may gaze into your eyes, only to look directly at your mouth. What’s really happening is that she’s sending you a nonverbal cue to make a move!

By this point, you should know whether or not there’s any chemistry between the two of you. With that said, don’t hesitate when you receive the ‘Kiss Me’ look --> Nike says "Just Do It"! Remember how sexy confidence is to women, and take charge of the situation.

Final Thoughts

Women seldom make the first move on men, but they do put a lot of care into sending various attraction signals. By learning how to read her eyes, you’ll become a master of dating and seduction. Memorize these four modes of female body language, and enjoy the ride.

Is Infidelity the cause to your marriage's to fall apart?

3 Flirting Signals Women Use to Get You to Approach Them!

If you're like most guys, you're clueless when it comes to women hitting on you. In her mind, she's being more than obvious about her intentions. You, on the other hand, have zero indication that she's interested.

This article aims to fix that problem permanently. From this point on, you'll be able to detect the multiple signals women use to flirt, and as a result, you'll reap the benefits of a healthier and more active and enjoyable life.

It's not uncommon for a man to think a woman is flirting with him, only to realize that he was wrong! These mixed signals are enough to drive even the sanest guy up a wall. Men are typically very straight forward when it comes to flirting, leaving no guessing room for our intentions.

Women, on the other hand, work a bit more mysteriously.

Rather than lay all of her cards on the table, a woman will usually flirt via her subconscious. In other words, she unknowingly gives off various signals to indicate her level of interest. The sooner you learn how to read these signals, the sooner you'll be getting phone numbers, her twitter username or her email!

For starters, let's get to the million-dollar question : How can you tell if a woman is genuinely flirting with you?

The last thing you need is to get your hopes up over a girl who (in spite of her incessant flirting) says she "just wants to be friends," so where is the line drawn? The solution to this problem is simple…read her body.

The following are three signals women emit before you even strike up a conversation with them. If you sense she's sending any of these your way, take action!

Signal #1- She can't take her eyes off of you.

Think about it : If you see something you like, you tend to look at it a lot. It's the whole “apple of my eye” theory, and it holds true for women as well.

When you're in a social situation, there will be instances when you make eye contact with a girl or two. I'm not referring to this. What I am referring to is that dame in the corner who (every time you look up) continues to have her sights set on you. Consider this as her non-verbal way of giving you the green light.

Many women rely solely on eye contact to flirt. Rather than approaching you to start a conversation, a girl who is interested will “encourage” you to take the first step using nothing but her eyes. With that said, if you keep making eye contact with that hottie across the room, take action.

Signal #2- She's starved for your attention.

Out of all the methods women use to flirt, this one flies under a guy's radar most often. For some reason, a man will think nothing when a woman constantly sits by him, makes small talk, or goes to great efforts to be where he is. If you ask me, this one is a no brainer!

Guys…wake up! I cannot stress this enough. Assess the situation, and don't disregard that girl who is constantly in your company. This is especially true if she leaves her friends behind in order to be near you. Odds are she's there for a reason.

Signal #3- She flashes a smile your way.

A smile is understood across all cultures as a welcoming greeting. With that said, if a woman flashes you her pearly whites, she's open to you.

Similar to making eye contact, when a woman sends a smile your way, she's well aware that she is sending you a message. Put plainly, she's telling you that you're welcome to come and get to know her. You may not realize this, but every day, women have to work hard to avoid men they're not attracted to.

She wouldn't smile at you if she wasn't interested.

Reading Women's Body Language

It’s no secret that most guys who fail at picking up girls anywhere have never learned the best ways of reading women’s body language. They spend their nights memorizing pick up lines and dating routines just to find something that actually works. If you’re in the same pickle, I have news for you : it’s not the routine, it’s how well you can build on her reaction to your words.
w:Mariah Carey at the premiere of Tennessee at...

Most women cannot hide their reactions to men even if they try to. Look around you when you’re in a party, and play the role of a bystander for a change. If you look closely enough, you will notice how women scoot away from guys who come on too strong or too creepy. At the same time, you will also notice how women give out flirting signals to men they like.

Reading women’s body language means looking out for the following signs :

1. Hair patting - When a woman talks to someone she’s attracted to, she feels self-conscious. She touches her hair because she wants to check if her hair-do is still in place. She’s also aware that her hair could be covering her face, and she checks for stray locks.

2. Her posture – When she notices you, she sits up straight and covertly looks at you from the corner of her eye. You will also notice how she throws her hair back and how she crosses her legs in a way that her toes point in your direction. These are all signs of attraction, and all you have to do is to approach.

3. Both eyebrows raised – A woman’s eyebrows reflect her feelings well. If she’s into you, you’ll notice both her eyebrows are raised when she looks in your direction. If she’s arching one of her brows, she could be checking you out but the attraction isn’t there yet.

Got dumped ? Now you want to get back with your ex ?

Second Chance - Get Him/Her Back !

Have you or someone you know found themselves in a situation where they would do almost anything to get back with their ex? You'll cry, you'll beg, you'll threaten, you'll promise to change, but they keep walking.

Ending a relationship and losing someone you love from your life can be one of the most frustrating and defining moments in your lifetime, and it's hard to know what the right thing to do is when you are trying desperately to turn things around.

I get a lot of emails from people claiming that they have the answer to everyone's prayers, and they have the secret technique that is necessary to bring your partner back, but most I find lacking. It's hard to get excited every time I get a new product on my desk, that was until Mirabelle Summers from asked me to review her latest ebook.

Mirabelle Summers has recently finished an ebook which covers all the essential steps necessary to maximize your chances of getting your ex back, without the begging, manipulation, or silly games. Let's face it, if you and your partner have broken up and you want them back, you are going to need to do something pretty special to convince your ex that it's worth another chance, and that things are going to be different this time.

The problem with getting your ex back is that often your first instincts are the ones that are likely to do the most damage. Begging, crying, pleading, threatening, getting another partner to make them jealous, doing anything to get the attention you are craving, are all things that are going to reinforce the fact that the breakup was the right thing to do.

That's why Mirabelle Summers' "2nd Chance - How To Win Back The Love Of Your Ex" is different. Summers and her stable of writers at have come up with a 6-step program that is going to take you from getting through the immediate grief, to thinking about what happened, all before initiating contact, knowing what to talk about, and steps for putting love into practice.

If you are serious about rescuing your relationship and winning back the love of your ex, this 6-step plan is going to deliver something pretty substantial. In addition to her comprehensive 6-step system, she also answers key questions covering topics such as:

An Uncommunicative Ex 'Just Be Friends' Zone Getting Over Past Mistakes When Your Ex is with Someone Else Dealing with an Emotionless Ex Do They Still Love Me?

When I took a look at how much information is in here, I was truly impressed. This is no ordinary ebook. At a whopping 174 pages, it's much, much more. Mirabelle has really given it all away with her 6-step system. This ebook is guaranteed to assist even the most desperate relationship situation!

If you want to win back the love of your ex, there is no room for mistakes or techniques that are going to do more damage than good. You need to develop a considered and genuine approach to winning your ex back, and that's exactly what
Mirabelle Summers' "2nd Chance - How To Win Back The Love Of Your Ex" will do. It's the first place I would turn to rescue a relationship.

I promise you will learn something from this ebook, and it may be the best investment you have ever made! Win back your ex and rebuild your love. Do it right this time!

Overcoming Your Relationship Breakup: STOP, Don't Go!

It’s over. Your loved one is saying that they’re going to leave. They’re packing up their stuff and are ready to move to a new place. How do you stop the breakup from happening?

How do you get things back to the way they were? How do you get your loved one to unpack their bags at home instead of somewhere else? There are a lot of ways to deal with such a situation — a lot of things you should, and shouldn’t, do.

1) The “Shouldn’ts”

Women tend to beg when their loved one is on the verge of leaving. I can remember, in minute detail (unfortunately), the way I begged my ex to not leave our apartment. I literally got down on my knees and grabbed him to stop him from leaving.

Did you notice I said “ex”? The first time I did this, it did work and he didn’t leave. We talked through our differences and were able to stay together for another couple of months. Then, once again, he prepared to leave. I pulled my stunt and guess what? He left anyway.

Our relationship was officially over. Your first instinct as a woman may be to beg and plead, but it just belittles you and generally doesn’t work on your loved one.

Don’t try to make your loved one jealous. Some people go out and make new “friends” in an effort to make their significant other jealous enough to not leave. Most of the time, this doesn’t work, either. Instead of making the spouse jealous, it may give them the final push they need to leave for good. A slight bit of jealousy can give a relationship a spark, but not if it’s already on a downswing.

2) The “Shoulds”

The first thing you should do is step back, breathe, and give your loved one some room. If they feel hemmed in, they’re not going to want to stay with you. Remember the old saying “You catch more flies with honey than vinegar?

In giving them what they want, you are respecting their time and are giving yourself time to cool down, as well. In the heat of the argument, things are often said aren’t meant by either party. Time alone gives you the chance to breathe and to move onto the next step.

Step two involves figuring out what’s really going on in the relationship. Why does your loved one want to break up? Have you been fighting recently? Are all the fights about the same thing, or are they about random things?

If all the fights are about the same thing, then you already know what you have to work on. If they are about random things, there is probably some underlying argument simmering below the surface that hasn’t been discussed. Work on trying to figure out what that is.

Approach your loved one and calmly ask them what their biggest problem with the relationship is. Sometimes their answer will give you the direction that you should move in next.

3) Ch-ch-ch-changes

Everybody changes; it’s a fact of life! Who you are when you’re a senior in high school is not who you’ll be when you’re 30. Who you are now may not be who you are in a few months.

This is often why relationships start to fall apart: you feel as though you don’t know the person you’re with anymore. Make some time to get to know each other again! Spend time together doing simple things: walking, talking, sitting in the park feeding the birds.

Do things together that require that you are both alone together. You could go to a movie, but you really can’t talk well there. The best thing to do is to find something you can do that allows you to communicate with each other.

Open yourself up to your partner. Sometimes we focus so much on what we want that we neglect to think of how our partner is feeling. Often, if you try to see things through their point of view, you will find that you are much more empathetic to their feelings. You can see their side of the argument, and if you can do that, then you can fix it.

Strong relationships are fixable, and it’s always better to try to stop a breakup before it happens than to try to fix it after it’s been broken. After all, you can always fix a crack in a vase, but it’s a lot more difficult to find all of the pieces once it’s broken.

Surviving A Breakup-Difficult But Doable

A breakup is a difficult thing to deal with, and it is hard on you and your ex. There are a great number of hurt emotions and feelings, and the act of surviving a breakup will involve a great deal of personal strength. This task may seem daunting, especially with a big void in your chest. You cannot easily fill that void with anything, it is that painful and difficult to handle. What you should consider, however, is that you are not the first couple to break up and you will not be the last. You should take solace in that you and your partner will survive and will be moving forward.

When you are faced with the task of trying to surviving a breakup, there are a number of tips which will lead you towards surviving the breakup. The first step is to not bottle up the pain. One cannot go through life without pain. Breaking up with a loved one is emotionally the same as the death of one. You should know that you will be hurt and that it is okay to break down a little and cry as needed. You should write down stuff, you should scream, you should do whatever is needed to let all of the pain out and move on.

Once you have reached a clear and calm state, you are now ready to evaluate things and try and find out where you and your partner are in the relationship. Knowing where you are will allow you and yours to make the right decision. More times than not, you will find that the relationship is truly over. This is something that you and your ex partner needs to come to terms with. Once you are at terms with things, you take the next step.

When you have come to the decision not to let the relationship continue, you and your ex needs to remove the overlaps in your lives. This includes property that you two have exchanged and are left at the other's home. This sort of negotiation and separation is to ensure that nothing is left as an emotional landmine later on in your lives. Once the two of you have completely separated, then what you should do is to perform a finalizing ritual. This is a symbolic event which will involve letting an effigy of your ex go, via destroying it or some other task. You could burn one of their letters, their photo, throw away their leftovers, and delete their files off your computer and so on. This symbolic gesture is for your benefit.

7 Ways To Get Over A Broken Heart FAST !

A broken heart is hard to deal with no matter how the break up goes down. It is something that may hurt for a long time to come. You need to figure out how to get over a broken heart when it happens. It may not be something that you want to think about but you have to do it because life does go on and you need to take advantage of it.

There are going to be different phases of the breakup. You need to go through them all so that you are able to achieve the sense of security and love that you once did. Having these feelings are going to be good for you but you do not want to take them too far. This will only make things harder on you when it comes to getting on with your life. There are predicable phases of a break up. You may have been through them before, but there are some good ways to deal with your strong feelings and get over that broken heart fast!

1. You need to share your feelings. Getting out what you are feeling is going to make you feel better inside. You want to share these feelings with your friends and family or anyone that will listen to you. Having a good support is going to help you get through the tough times faster. You do not have to let it out all at once. Talk about it slowly and work your way up to getting it all out in the open.

2. Think about what is good for you. You have to get over this broken heart fast so that you are able to feel better. You need to make good choices for what is good for your heart and soul. Make sure that you are not putting yourself in any situation that may be harmful for you. Getting over the breakup is important and you need to do what is best for you.

3. Taking good care of you is important. You want to keep eating and exercising and staying healthy. You need to keep your strength up so that you are able to be strong and able to feel good about yourself. This will help you get over the break up and get back on track.

4. Let it all out if you want to. Crying is good. You do not have to be embarrassed about crying. It is part of life. You will find that there are going to be hard times that hit you all of a sudden and you will feel like crying and letting it all out. You need to do this anyway to keep your sanity. This will help you feel better and get back on track. You need to do this when you feel the urge and do not worry about what others think.

5. Doing the things that you love the most will help you get over the break up too. You will want to make sure that you are keeping up with your hobbies and doing what makes you the happiest. You want to keep your schedule on track and stay busy. This will help you heal faster.

6. Keeping busy is key. You need to stay on the go and keep your mind occupied. This will allow you to keep those unhappy and undesirable life events out of your mind and keep you motivated to stay healthy. You want to make sure that you are doing all that you can to stay busy. You will want to talk to your friends, go out more and spend some time with your family. These things will make you feel better and help heal your wounded heart.

7. Time is of the essence. You need to remember that all wounds heal with time. You need to give yourself the time and soon you will notice that you are not feeling so bad and that life is good again. If you actively seek the answers to the problematic areas of your life which has caused your breakups, you will find the answers. Seek the help of an expert if you desire to restore your marriage or your relationship. Ask and talk to people who have successfully saved their relationship. Their insights and experience can help you pull through this period. Who knows, once you have it all figured out, you could well be on your way to save your relationship and have your lover running back into your arms again!

There is no need to worry when you are involved in a break up. Everyone has been through it and there is going to be happiness again. When a relationship breakup happens, understand that it is not your fault and do not put all the blame on yourself. It usually does mean that something has gone off-balance in your life and in your relationship and you need to put that balance back.

I miss my ex girlfriend...

When you find yourself saying “I miss my ex girlfriend,” you need to find ways to move forward with your life. No matter how bad the break up was, there is life after your ex. Finding your way through the depression that follows the end of the relationship can be hard. That’s why you need to take concrete actions to move forward.

First of all, you need to work on bringing closure to the relationship. Closure is the process by which you move on from a situation. While you may find specific situations in which you say, “I miss my ex girlfriend,” you will not be in this state all of the time.

Begin by definitively saying that the relationship is over. As long as you think there is a chance that you can get your ex back, you will not be able to move on. Healing begins with putting an end to the relationship.

Next, you need to physically close the relationship. You do that by exchanging all of the possessions in the other’s care. Give her back the toothbrush and curling iron she kept at your house and ask her for the sweat shirt that she had borrowed for the long term. If you owed each other money, settle up.

Once you have your possessions back, give yourself some physical space. While you may want to remain friends with your ex in the long run, staying away in the short term will facilitate healing. Don’t call, text, or email each other. If she tries to contact you, screen her out.
A young woman and man embracing while outdoors.
And, don’t show up at places she is likely to be. You don’t want to give her any opening to get under your skin. Seeing her with another guy so soon will just prompt feelings of “I miss my ex girlfriend” all over again.

You may even need to change some of your social habits. If you go to a small church, you might want to consider changing places of worship at least in the short term. You may have to pick a new favorite bar or hang out as well.

When you start going new places, you will inevitably meet new people. Some of these people will be female. These new women are good prospects for dates.

While it may seem right now that you’ll never want to date another woman, the truth is that the sooner you get back on the dating scene, the sooner you will begin to heal.

It may not be enough to just be available though. Consider actively seeking out women. Take a class at the local university’s extension program. Join a co-ed softball team. Take up a new hobby. All of these strategies will allow you to start meeting new women.

If a woman intrigues you, ask her out even if you can’t picture yourself in a long term relationship with her. A date is just a fun social experience, not a commitment.

Pretty soon, you won’t be saying “I miss my ex girlfriend” nearly as frequently. You will have moved on with your life.

Get your Girlfriend Back

If you've ever wondered why your ex won't return your calls, or why she won't agree to meet up for old times' sake, you could be approaching the whole situation subjectively. You're acting on pure instinct and your feeling of guilt or remorse will not let you leave your ex alone. You keep calling and pestering her, justifying your actions as 'persistent', and she keeps running away.