Does He Like You ?

Most women would agree that the first few weeks of a relationship is like a roller coaster ride. She and her man will definitely experience many ups and downs as they get to know each other. While there will surely be a lot of fun days and hot nights, but there will also be times when a woman will feel like she is walking on eggshells.
One of the questions that are possibly lurking in her mind at the start of the relationship is whether or not the guy is in it just for the fun times and the romps in bed, or if he is a keeper who is serious about making the relationship last. How can she tell if her role in his life is to be is Friday night girl or if there is potential for her to hold a special place in his heart – for keeps?
There are plenty of signs that can show her the answer, but here are three tell-tale signs of just how deep his degree of involvement in the relationship is that you will certainly not miss.
First of all, when a guy really likes a girl, he tends to be secretive about himself and his needs. It can be frustrating for the woman he is with, but that is just his way of showing his consideration for her. He does not want to appear needy and so will not bother her with every minute detail in his life. On the other hand, a man who is into the relationship only for the sex will deliberately be open about his life. Doing so will make him appear vulnerable to the woman, and there is no bigger bait that a woman will bite than a man who makes it seem that he needs her.
Another sign of liking that a girl should watch out for from his man is whether he pokes fun at the things she does or not. It could come in the form of mockingly criticizing her cooking or jokingly insisting that her favorite matinee idol is a horrible actor. Joking around is his way of hiding his vulnerability. It is also a way for him to test the level of her sense of humor. A good sense of humor is a mark of intelligence, and seriously, guys do not really like to be around a girl who is so straight and uptight.
The third and last sign that a woman should look for to know if the man in her life will only be with her while the fun is going or will stay with her for the long haul is his eye contact. A guy who is finding himself falling in love with a woman normally turns shy around her and will not want to be caught staring at her, especially when they are with other people. Oh, he will look at her, but not when he thinks she or anyone else is looking. Inasmuch as he will not look at her face or body, however, his shoulders and body will remain facing her when they are mingling with other people.
Or she can just walk up straight to him and ask him the truth. That works too.

When Love Has Gone

It does not matter who called it quits first; ending a relationship, no matter how long or short it lasted, is always hard to do. Your mind will always go over every element that made up your relationship in the quest to find out exactly what went wrong between you and the guy you thought was Mr. Right and the process can be very painful, even if you were the one who said goodbye first.
The hurt that you may be feeling with regards the breakup can get even worse once you find that out that he who was once the man in your life has begun to see someone else. That would get you start questioning yourself as to why you have not yet moved on when he obviously has done so.
If this happens to you, you will need to deal with the reality that everything is finally over between the two of you, even if you are not exactly ready to move on. You do not necessarily have to find someone to replace him just yet; just do something that will help ease the blow of the news.
The first thing you need to do is to stop comparing yourself with your ex’s new squeeze. Stop asking yourself questions like “Is she prettier than me?” or “Does he love her more than he loved me?” or “What is she doing that makes him happy, a lot happier than I ever made him?” These questions will only make you go spiraling down in despair. Remember that whatever happened between you and your ex, you broke up because the two of you are not compatible enough to be able to bridge the gap created by whatever went wrong. The two of you are just not a good match.
Another thing you should do is to make sure that your paths will not cross with his and his new girl’s. If you have to change your daily routine, like the route you take when you drive to the office, then do not hesitate to do so. Do not ask your friends for any news about him, and tell them as well that you do not want to hear anything about whatever is going on with him at the moment. If he stays out of your sight, he gets out of your mind.
Even if you do manage to bump into him and his new girl, probably at a restaurant or at the mall, be polite and do not snub them. Smile and say hi, and then walk away. You do not need to feel embarrassed or to think you are pathetic, even if the sight of them fills you with humiliation. Being civil to them will make him think that you are doing okay and actually fill yourself with confidence.
Lastly, enjoy this time of being alone. More often than not, women in relationships tend to set aside some of the things they enjoy in order to make room for the man in their lives. Being alone is as great a time as any to reconnect with your interest and rediscover who you are. Take this time to spoil yourself and enjoy being just you and not as somebody else’s girl.